Friday, October 30, 2009

52 weeks of FHE

So I've come to the realization that I'm a bit of a slacker when it comes to things like family home evening and family prayer, scripture study. You know those important things that you're supposed to teach your children. I have lots of excuses, whether they even border on good or not is debatable. My biggest excuse is that Josh and I both work shift work, opposite each other and we rotate so the kids don't go to day care and our schedule changes day to day and week to week. I know, bad excuse! SO I set a goal that we are going to have family home evening every week. We will have to change the day each week based on our schedule so we're not going to be a traditional monday night fam, but at least we'll be having it right? We're also going to work on family prayer, regardless of who is home at night. So the goal is 90% on the FHE. And for a little more motivation (I don't want to feel like an idiot) I'm going to post them here. If I don't have it I'll feel dumb that you all know I didn't so I will....right? Let's hope so. I didn't want to post it on my regular blog so here is where we'll go.

We started tonight! I found a cute website with lots of FHE ideas here. We did the "Satan's Web" lesson in honor of halloween. It was so cute. The boys built a web with yarn and pins. Then we put things in the web that Satan uses to "catch" us. The boys helped Tracen come up with something for him too...they think he needs to work on hitting. He mostly played with the pins and rolled the ball of yarn around. The boys really wanted to come up with happy things too so we put things we could do instead on the side. The boys said they really liked it and had fun. Jesse wants a picture to hang on his wall.

For our activity we carved pumpkins. Tracen mostly watched. Both boys had vampire fangs on their pumpkins

Then for our treat we had roasted pumpkin seeds. It was lots of fun! Next week will come a lot sooner. I think the only day we'll all be home together is Monday. We're going to talk about being nice to eachother because we struggle with that!

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